Welcome to London Clojurians Code Dojo

At a code dojo event everyone can suggest challenges or little projects to work on. This site contains a collection of challenges for coding dojo events. Each challenge should have a description of the problem and any relevant skills or experiences are required to solve the challenge. Challenges can include hints and tips or even possible solutions (encoraging people to create alternative solutions)

Challenges websites

There are also external websites that contain challenges suitable for a code dojo event:

Previous Code dojo challenges

The results of some code dojo challenges can be found on the London Clojurians Github Organisation.

Some dojo challenges have also been written about in more detail

Kata challenges

Code dojo event often use kata challenges. A kata is a small challenge that can be solve in many different ways, so developers are encouraged to solve kata’s a number of times, each time in a different way with varying assumptions.


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